
Basic ABAP key words..

String operations:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->Translate
It is a keyword used to change the case of the input string to another case.
Syntax: translate a to lower case
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->concatenate
It is a keyword used to concatenate n no of strings.
Ex: Parameters: a(10),
Data c(20).
Concatenate a b into c separated by space.

Transport Tips in BW

SAP BW vs. R3 ..What is same….
SAP BW allows you to transport your work
Configuration, Objects, Roles, and Business Explorer (BEx)
Records your development creation or changes
Moves objects & configuration to downstream systems
SAP BW uses change requests and tasks
Provides a change history log for an object
Transporting program objects

To display the alv using 'REUSE_ALV_HIERSEQ_LIST_DISPLAY' FM

To display the alv in a different manner we have to pass some additional parameters.
For the header as in the output maintain a separate internal table it_final_hdr.
To get the code click on below link :

ABAP Basic Tips

What is use of using HASHED TABLE?
Hashed table is useful when your have to work with very big internal table and to read it with
The time access is constant !
Definition of a Hashed Table:
"Defines the table as one that is managed with an internal hash procedure. You can imagine a hashed table as a set, whose elements you can address using their unique key. Unlike standard and sorted tables, you cannot access hash tables using an index. All entries in the table must have a unique key.

How to and what to check in your BW system before GO-Live

How to and what to check in your BW system before GO-Live
Before going to production your BW system ,please check the below things….
Transfer global settings. Goto Administrator Workbench -> Modeling -> Source Systems. Select an R/3 source system -> right-click and choose Transfer global settings.
Select Currencies and choose a transfer mode.
Simulation - The transfer of Customizing tables/exchange rates is simulated. No data is updated.
Update tables - The Customizing tables/exchange rates are collected from the source system. The new entries are updated on the database.
Rebuild tables - The Customizing tables/exchange rates are collected from the source system. The tables are rebuilt, old data is deleted.
Then Execute.
Repeat these steps for Units of measurement, Fiscal year variants, and Factory calendar for each R/3 source system in BW.

How to create a Blinking Indicator in Xcelsius