
Transport Tips in BW

SAP BW vs. R3 ..What is same….
SAP BW allows you to transport your work
Configuration, Objects, Roles, and Business Explorer (BEx)
Records your development creation or changes
Moves objects & configuration to downstream systems
SAP BW uses change requests and tasks
Provides a change history log for an object
Transporting program objects

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->Custom code, user exits, etc., are transported just like in R/3
SAP BW vs. R3 ..What is different..
New SAP BW-specific objects
BEx objects (Queries, InfoCubes, etc.)
Administrative objects (roles)
The Transport Connection Tool
One-stop tool for assigning objects to & managing transports
Used mainly to transport BEx objects
The “Packages” concept
Same function as a “Development class”
<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->Like R/3, BW includes a local ($TMP) package (nontransportable)
How objects get collected for transport
SAP BW introduces a “grouping” concept for all objects
You’ll run into problems unless you understand
Objects can be changed in QA and PRD
Allows “eligible” objects to be created/managed without
e.g., aggregate, queries, workbooks
You can enable/disallow this permission in the Transport
Connection Tool
The Transport Connection……..
Easy-to-use tool for assigning objects to & managing
For all tasks and requests, you still need SE09/SE10 to release
the transports
Access via transaction RSA1 or via the Admin Workbench
Click on the “Transport Connection” tab
How it Works
New objects are created as local objects in package $TMP
Activated business content objects are also assigned to $TMP
Objects get assigned to a transportable package only when
they are to be transported
BEx objects are assigned to a fixed BEx change request
BEx objects = Queries, Query elements, Calculated and
Restricted Key Figures
You can define a fixed BEx request for each package
Upon assignment to a transportable package in the TC
BEx objects are directly written at the request level
An alternative to the transport connection
Tip: You don’t have to use the Transport
Connection Tool
The Transport Connection is active by default
You can use the traditional transport approach/tools instead
You can only use one or the other (this is a global setting!)
The standard tools involve more effort/work
How to deactivate the Transport Connection
Launch the transport connection
Go to menu path > Edit > Transport > Switch-on Standard
I recommend you always use the Transport Connection Tool!
The Package Concept
In SAP BW, objects are assigned to packages
Packages allow customers to group their development work
Same object as development classes in R/3
Packages are assigned to transport layers which map to target
There are two types: local vs. transportable
Local = $TMP = non-transportable
All new objects are automatically assigned to $TMP
All newly created objects are automatically assigned to a local
package ($TMP)
How to transport BW objects
You first need to decide
Which objects you want to collect
How you want to collect them
Five grouping options are available
Only necessary objects
In data flow before
In data flow afterwards
In data flow before and afterwards
Save for system copy
The combination of grouping and object type will
define the objects that will be transported
InfoProviders, InfoObjects, Update Rules, Transfer Rules, etc.
If you choose collection mode “In data flow before and
afterward”, you probably will collect at the InfoProvider level
(Cube or ODS)
If you choose “Only necessary objects,” you probably will
collect at an InfoObject level
You need to understand the relationship of objects to others
and their levels to choose the appropriate grouping…
once required objects are collected ,see whether the transport check box is checked or not ..
then if u want to change the package name click on change package option..else click on truck symbol to add a change request..
To select or create a change request click on bex truck symbol.
Important Tips & Pitfalls: BEx Objects
Choose the package correctly the first time for BEx objects
It's difficult to go back and change the package after
Don’t release the change request until you’re ready to
If the global BEx change request gets released, you’ll need
to assign a new one before objects can be added to the
Deselect “Do not transport any below” for specific objects
Common point of confusion!
Business Content roles _ use the Transport
Customer-specific roles _ must be transported
Use the Role Maintenance screen in the profile
generator (PFCG)
As roles are customizing objects, you need a
customizing request
How to manage transports
Transaction SE09 is where the transport
request is managed.
You can do the following activities:
Release your tasks and request for import to the target
Merge your request or reassign your tasks for
organizational purposes
Delete tasks or requests assigned to you
Delete objects within a task
Change ownership of a task(s) or request(s)
How to troubleshoot errors
Transport log will allow you to see your error(s)
There are four levels of statuses
1. 0 – no errors, objects were imported successfully
2. 4 – warnings, objects were imported successfully
3. 8 – errors, some objects may have been imported
4. 12 – errors, no object was imported successfully
In the transport log you can view the specific error and
object that failed and why
Transport all customer-defined packages before
transporting objects
Transport InfoProvider(s) using the “in data flow
before” grouping option
Transport all Global Variables with primary
package assignment
i.e., ZBW
Transport BEx objects with appropriate individual
package assignment
Transport roles and workbooks
Transport other objects: Process chains,
InfoSpokes, etc.
Objects need to be transported as per their
InfoProviders will bring in all relevant InfoObjects
Global variables are dependant on their reference
InfoObject to be active
Queries, workbooks and roles are dependant on
InfoProviders and InfoObjects to be active
Use the Transport Connection Tool to analyze
your objects
Is it in another transport owned by someone else?
What is its relationship to other objects?
What else does it contain within it?
Make sure to set the source system mapping
configuration in each target system to convert the
transfer rules
If you don’t, your transports will fail on importing the transfer
rules/transfer structures
It’s critical to properly sequence your R/3 and
SAP BW transports!
1 - Transport the OLTP 1st
2 - Replicate DataSources
copies the DataSources from the OLTP system to SAP BW
3 - Transport to your SAP BW
For more information
See http://service.sap.com/bi