
How to find out total number of records in Multiprovider?

In case of cube and DSo , you can go to manage screen and there you will get an idea, how many number of records transfered and how many added but in case of multiprovider , there is no such option to find out the total number of records.To find out the total number of records in a multiprovider , we can follow the below steps...go to the Multiprovider , navigate to display datathen ,select your required selections,then check the check box output number of hits,make maximum number hits blank(all hits)please follow the below screen shot for more clarity..

after this you will be getting 1rowcount(number of record) column in your list out put, select that column and go for summation , at the endyou will get total no of records ,that will also help you finding the duplicate records in your MP.Please follow the screen shot.

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    # by Anonymous - November 5, 2011 at 2:58 PM

    Hi Madhu
    This is Aditri.I am preparing for certification in SAP BI 7.0
    Could you please tell me how should I plan for this.
    How many days and how many hours per day should I prepare.
    Could you please tell me.I have posted this question on SAP forum but no one have given any answer.
    I am expecting an answer from you.

    Many Thanks

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