
How to find out total number of records in Multiprovider?

In case of cube and DSo , you can go to manage screen and there you will get an idea, how many number of records transfered and how many added but in case of multiprovider , there is no such option to find out the total number of records.To find out the total number of records in a multiprovider , we can follow the below steps...go to the Multiprovider , navigate to display datathen ,select your required selections,then check the check box output number of hits,make maximum number hits blank(all hits)please follow the below screen shot for more clarity..

How to check the setting of flat file in BW

To check the settings of your flat file , what format of flat file we can upload in bw side,
we need to go for se11 , go to the RSADMINCV1,this a Maint. view with text BW: Settings for Flat Files..
Simply execute this , you will get the settings , follow the below screen shot


World of SAP BI/BO: Treasury system business Content Cubes

World of SAP BI/BO: Treasury system business Content Cubes

Treasury system business Content Cubes

Mostly in treasury system is part of Finance like FI and CO.Under Treasury system we have different different sub-modules, those we are using for different requirements .To find the business content cubes , please follow the below navigations.
RSA1---Business Content---Expand Financial Management & Controlling(0FMCO) InfoArea ,expand Treasury(0TR) IA, then you will be getting Cash Management(0TRCM) and Liquidity Planning(0TRLP) IA, expand those , you will be getting all Cubes and Mps..please try to install as per your requirements.
The business content Cubes and Multi providers available in BI side are as bellow
Under Cash Management IA , The underlying Cubes are
1:Planned Amounts---------------0TRCM_C01
2:Planned Amounts - Enhanced---0TRCM_C02
3:Current Planned Amounts------0TRCM_RC1
Multiprovider is
1:Planned Amounts - Comparison---0TRCM_MC1.
Under Liquidity Planning IA , underlying Cube is
1:Liquidity Planning: Actual Data----0TRLP_C01.

Please follow the below Screen shot for more details..

Basic ABAP key words..

String operations:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->Translate
It is a keyword used to change the case of the input string to another case.
Syntax: translate a to lower case
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->concatenate
It is a keyword used to concatenate n no of strings.
Ex: Parameters: a(10),
Data c(20).
Concatenate a b into c separated by space.

Transport Tips in BW

SAP BW vs. R3 ..What is same….
SAP BW allows you to transport your work
Configuration, Objects, Roles, and Business Explorer (BEx)
Records your development creation or changes
Moves objects & configuration to downstream systems
SAP BW uses change requests and tasks
Provides a change history log for an object
Transporting program objects

To display the alv using 'REUSE_ALV_HIERSEQ_LIST_DISPLAY' FM

To display the alv in a different manner we have to pass some additional parameters.
For the header as in the output maintain a separate internal table it_final_hdr.
To get the code click on below link :

ABAP Basic Tips

What is use of using HASHED TABLE?
Hashed table is useful when your have to work with very big internal table and to read it with
The time access is constant !
Definition of a Hashed Table:
"Defines the table as one that is managed with an internal hash procedure. You can imagine a hashed table as a set, whose elements you can address using their unique key. Unlike standard and sorted tables, you cannot access hash tables using an index. All entries in the table must have a unique key.

How to and what to check in your BW system before GO-Live

How to and what to check in your BW system before GO-Live
Before going to production your BW system ,please check the below things….
Transfer global settings. Goto Administrator Workbench -> Modeling -> Source Systems. Select an R/3 source system -> right-click and choose Transfer global settings.
Select Currencies and choose a transfer mode.
Simulation - The transfer of Customizing tables/exchange rates is simulated. No data is updated.
Update tables - The Customizing tables/exchange rates are collected from the source system. The new entries are updated on the database.
Rebuild tables - The Customizing tables/exchange rates are collected from the source system. The tables are rebuilt, old data is deleted.
Then Execute.
Repeat these steps for Units of measurement, Fiscal year variants, and Factory calendar for each R/3 source system in BW.

How to create a Blinking Indicator in Xcelsius

ABAP : Implicitly Enhancement Point

Restricting To Update Vendor Number In MIGO for cross company purchase order


We had a requirement that ………..
When doing the initial Goods Receipt of a purchased or subcontracted good, the vendor field on the batch master (MCH1-LIFNR) should be populated with the relevant vendor number.
If this batch at a later stage is once more part of a Goods Receipt – by a cross company purchase order, the vendor field should NOT be updated. The initial vendor number should be kept.
Suppose A: Vendor for company ABC and B and C are plant for ABC.
Suppose Plant B of ABC has order one material from A , in that case in MCH1 table , A will be updated as Vendor .

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Beginners Guide to Xcelsius: Part 2

Xcelsius and Web Intelligence using XWIS

Interview Questions and Answers for SAP BI

1. How to use Virtual K.F/Char. ?
   Ans : This “virtual” characteristic is getting a value assigned at query runtime and must not be loaded with data in data target. Therefore, no change to existing update rules.
   The implementation can be divided into the following areas:
   1. Create of InfoObject [Key Figure / Characteristics] and attach the InfoObject to the InfoProvider.
 2. Implementation of BADI RSR_OLAP_BADI (Set filter on Infoprovider while defining BADI implementation)
   3. Adding the InfoObject into the Query.
2. Query Performance Tips :
   Ans :
   i. Don’t show too much data in initial view of report output
   ii. Limit the level of hierarchies on initial view
   iii. Always use Mandatory variables
   iv. Utilize filters based on InfoProviders 
   v. Suppress Result rows if not needed
   vi. Eliminate or Reduce Not logic in query selection
3. DataStore Objects :
Ans      : Standard DSO – Max. 16 key fields can be created.

To populate filds dynamically in query

Our requirement was , we were having one Ztable in Ecc and from Ecc we were fetching all the data upto standard dso in BI , and from some other source we are having data up to cube .In our flow we were having 4 ds including the above Ztable.
All flow were independent.Like DS-WOP DSO-Std.DSO-CUBE , on top of all 3 cube we were having one Multiprovider, and we were having our query , but even though Ztable flow was there in that flow but we dnt add the dso of Ztable flow in our Multiprovider.all the above flow were having profit center and Company code as key field , based on company code user was expecting all the Key figures from the Ztable but their intention was those KF IOs sd not be there in query .In that table around 20 KFS were there (User was not bother about the performance, also ).Company code was Mandatory and Single value in our selection, also currency was constant that is USD.
To achive this what I did , I have created one data source for that Ztable and loaded data upto standard DSO.
den Have created 20 formula variable processing type user exit .
and was achived the requirement .the sample code for one formula variable as follow .

Program to Download all the IOS and Ruletypes for a particular transformation ID

We have developed this program to down load all the info objects fields and rule types into Excel sheet to compare the objects between two server, our aim was everything sd be sync between both the server.
This program will be helpful in many area.
The program follows below.

*& Author:Madhusmita Jena
*& Date:17/05/2011

How to check whether the query is already migrated to BI

To check whether the query is already migrated to BI .By the field VERSION in table RSZCOMPDIR table we can identify .
go to the table RSZCOMPDIR , there go to field COMPID , give your query name and execute .
if in version field if value is <100
the query is a 3.X query. If it is more than 100 query has been migrated to 7.X version.

Delta Update Methods in Logistic

We have three delta update methods in Logistic.

Direct Delta: With this update mode, the extraction data is transferred with each document posting directly into the BW delta queue. In doing so, each document posting with delta extraction is posted for exactly one LUW in the respective BW delta queues.

Queued Delta: With this update mode, the extraction data is collected for the affected application instead of being collected in an extraction queue, and can be transferred as usual with the V3 update by means of an updating collective run into the BW delta queue. In doing so, up to 10000 delta extractions of documents for an LUW are compressed for each DataSource into the BW delta queue, depending on the application.

Un-serialized V3 Update: With this update mode, the extraction data for the application considered is written as before into the update tables with the help of a V3 update module. They are kept there as long as the data is selected through an updating collective run and are processed. However, in contrast to the current default settings (serialized V3 update), the data in the updating collective run are thereby read without regard to sequence from the update tables and are transferred to the BW delta queue.

Info Area

In BW, InfoArea are the branches and nodes of a tree structure. InfoProviders are listed under the branches and nodes. The relationship of InfoArea to InfoProviders in BW is similar to the relationship of directories to files in an operation system.

Steps to create an InfoArea:

SAP BW : Usefull tables for DSO (Data Store Object)

Listing of commonly used tables in SAP BI and to understand the way data is stored in the backend of SAP BI

ODS Object
Directory of all ODS Objects
Texts of all ODS Objects
InfoObjects of ODS Objects
Navigation Attributes for ODS Object
Directory of all ODS Object Tables

SAP BW : Usefull Tables for Aggregates

Listing of commonly used tables in SAP BI and to understand the way data is stored in the backend of SAP BI

Directory of Aggregates
Description of Aggregates
Text on Aggregates
Directory of the aggregates, texts

SAP BW : Usefull Tables for InfoCube

Listing of commonly used tables in SAP BI and to understand the way data is stored in the backend of SAP BI

Directory of InfoCubes
Texts on InfoCubes
Objects per InfoCube (where-used list)
Directory of Dimensions
Texts on Dimensions
InfoObjects for each Dimension (Where-Used List)
InfoCubes involved in a MultiCube
MultiProvider: Selection/Identification of InfoObjects
Characteristic Properties Specific to an InfoCube
Flag Properties Specific to an InfoCube
InfoObjects of the Stock Validity Table for the InfoCube

SAP BO Dashboards (Xcelsius) Online Tutorials

New SAP BO Dashboards (Xcelsius) Online Tutorials available...
Great new page on SCN that offers free tutorials on SAP BO Dashboards (Xcelsius) .
SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards eLearning Catalog sdn.sap.com
SAP Community Network eLearning catalog for SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards. A complete list of free, online SAP tutorials.

SAP BW Interview Questions and Answers: 1

Q) I want to delete a BEx query that is in Production system through request. Is anyone aware about it?
A) Have you tried the RSZDELETE transaction?

Q) What are the five ASAP Methodologies?
A: Project plan, Business Blue print, Realization, Final preparation & Go-Live - support.
1. Project Preparation: In this phase, decision makers define clear project objectives and an efficient decision making process (i.e. Discussions with the client, like what are his needs and requirements etc.). Project managers will be involved in this phase (I guess). A Project Charter is issued and an implementation strategy is outlined in this phase.
2. Business Blueprint: It is a detailed documentation of your company's requirements. (i.e. what are the objects we need to develop are modified depending on the client's requirements).
3. Realization: In this only, the implementation of the project takes place (development of objects etc) and we are involved in the project from here only.
4. Final Preparation: Final preparation before going live i.e. testing, conducting pre-go-live, end user training etc. End user training is given that is in the client site you train them how to work with the new environment, as they are new to the technology.
5. Go-Live & support: The project has gone live and it is into production. The Project team will be supporting the end users.

Using Alerts in Xcelsius

Alerts are commonly used to call the attention of the user to a specific item or action that has reached some pre-established limits. These limits are often called targets, budgets, benchmarks, etc. and are a standard to which an item is compared. This video gives a quick demonstration of how to add Alerts to your Xcelsius components.

Creating a what if scenario analysis model in Xcelsius

This video shows how to create a simple what if scenario analysis model in Xcelsius

Build a Custom Dialog Box in Xcelsius

Creating multi-tab dashboards and presentations in Xcelsius

This video gives a quick overview of how to use the tab set component in Xcelsius to create multi-tab dashboards and presentations.

Using the repair mode of the hash solution

With the function for checking the LBWQ for structure changes (the hash solution), a termination is forced when the update report RMBWV3xx is run (xx = application number) if the structure of the data in the LBWQ does not correspond to the current ABAP Dictionary version.
This occurs when changes are made to extract structures of the LO Customizing Cockpit, even though data of the 'old' structure was contained in the extraction queue (LBWQ).

The subsequent actions must take place in a posting-free period. It is absolutely essential that new data does not arrive in LBWQ during repair mode.

Step 1:  Lock your users and ensure that no IDocs are imported and that no batch tasks are running, and so on.

Selectors in Xcelsius

The functionality of selector components lets you create a visualization with multiple selections. This video shows how to use a label based menu in Xcelsius.

Performance Tuning of Loads where delta is not possible (Pseudo Delta)

There are many standard master as well as few transactional data loads in BI which do not support the delta concept. For those load we have to go for full loads daily as the standard data-source misses the delta capability. Many times in generic data-source on tables/views delta not works. These full loads which run daily unnecessarily take a lot of time for processing data thus leading to increase in overall load times. This can be overcome with the concept of Pseudo Delta.

Pseudo Delta:
Pseudo delta can be measured as a customized delta but doing certain modifications to achieve the working concept similar to standard delta. It helps to save the loading efforts and time. This concept can also come useful for DB loads which fairly support delta concept.